Monday, November 12, 2012

Facing The Reality of God's Existence

C.S. Lewis on Reasoning to Atheism

‎"Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But, if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God."

“We must recognize that this country is close to being lost. Not first of all because of a humanist conspiracy, but because the Bible believing Christians in the last 40 years who have said that they know that the final reality is this infinite personal God, who is the Creator, they said they have known it, and they have done nothing about it. As the consensus has changed, there has been a vast silence.”


God exists whether or not men may choose to believe in Him.  The reason why many people do not believe in God is not so much that it is intellectually impossible to believe in God, but because belief in God forces that thoughtful person to face the fact that he is accountable to such a God.”


The famous atheist Aldous Huxley speaks for all atheists (whether they like it or not) in this priceless quote: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have mean­ing; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption … The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem of pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do. For myself as no doubt for most of my con­temporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system, and liberation from a cer­tain system of morality. We objected to the morality be­cause it interfered with our sexual freedom.”


On occasion I get to interact with an atheist by way of the internet over a YouTube upload.   I like this song by the Rhett Walker God, "Singing Stones."  When I listen to it I wonder why I have ever argued with my Creator, who can make even rocks cry out in praise to Him.
Christian do not be silent about God because silence allows moral relativity.  Afraid to offend, we let God's greatest offenders lead others to destruction.  Only one path leads to God, and it goes by way of the cross.

"Singing Stone" - Rhett Walker Band

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