Saturday, November 8, 2014

One Thing!

Unlike the David, the Psalmist, I have more than one thing that I'm seeking from the Lord.  Yes, I want to dwell in His house but I also want things, mostly stuff and nonsense, that get in the way of simply beholding the beauty of the Lord.  Since I just finished a Skype chat with the young man who's now living in a dorm, I could say that I want God and Skype.  Then there are things I don't want like Rheumatoid Arthritis and financial stress.  So I want God, Skype, financial security, restored health; and I'll have to add m&m's because it's always good to have m&m's.  What am I willing to surrender to God so that God becomes my one thing?  Again this week we visited our loved one who's has had most of what we treasure in this life taken away from him.  Yet, He still has God and always will.  I know this terrible disease is not something he would have chosen, but he does seem to have accepted it as another of God's refining fires. God is making him into a man of one thing, and it is  beautiful to witness.  
I'm Still Yours - Kutless

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